Saturday, May 31, 2014

My New Adventure - Collins Couture

Well, if any of you have been wondering where on earth I have been, I have a surprise for y'all!!

A few weeks back I knew I needed to get some extra income circulating so I could pay bills and actually buy some clothes without holes/stains. While I lay in bed waiting for Ollie Pop to fall asleep after nursing I was perusing on InstaGram and saw that there were a lot of little boutiques that we're doing preorder sales. And they all had the same thing in common, their merchandise! That got me thinking... What if a competitor started selling items that they chose not to? What if that competitor was me!? And so my journey started. Right there. On an early Wednesday morning half asleep while my husband was working out of town. 

Next, I had to do some research. And man, I looked into EVERYTHING. After finding out what I would have to do to get a business license, merchant ID, tax info, etc. I found that the more I learned, the more I desired to have my own store. And so, Collins Couture was born!!

PLEASE come and check us out! we have little girls from NB up to 10 years in certain styles, boys 1-7 years, and women up to XL on select items!! The style directly reflects my personal style and taste. Not a single piece at Collins Couture I wouldn't put on my kids or wear myself!

I have big plans to keep my customers happy, lots of sales, giveaways, free gifts, surprise gift certificates, and so much more. So come stop by, tell your friends about us, this is only the BEGINNING! I have plans to add more styles, more sizes, and more unique items that you can't find in any department store out there. Stop by and read our about us to learn more about how we started and our company promise to you. Learn what preorder is and how soon we'll have in stock items, get most questions answered in our FAQs page, find out about our policies and procedures, or email us!! 

Find us on Facebook:

Follow us on InstaGram:

Pin us on Pinterest!! We know that you're going to love us and our pieces. And we can't wait to show you just how much we value you as a customer. :)

-Mrs. C


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Meaning of Life

Isn't it funny how you can walk through life so sure of everything that's happening in your life is the best it can be, and in that you feel secure because you know how good you have it, but then something changes. Something makes you catch your breath and reopen your eyes to the beauty of the world that you were slowly becoming numb to. That's how it was for me last year before I met my husband. Some might think I'm obsessive, some might think I'm eccentric, a select misguided few might even say pathetic. But here's the game changer. If you were once walking around like the best thing that ever happened and then were awakened to an emotion and view so drastically different but so radiantly beautiful, why WOULDN'T you be obsessive or over the top about it?

So much of our lives we desperately seek things to fulfill ourselves. We look to friends, family, spouses, significant others, coworkers, bosses, anyone in our lives that might just give us the answer to the life long question: What's the meaning of life? Now I'm not one with all the answers, but I can tell you what my life's meaning was compared to what it is now. 

Before I met my husband and had my life change, for the better, I was only about money and getting everything I knew I deserved. Trying to get the best job and education I could in a field that not only paid well, but one that I wouldn't feel like I was stuck my whole life. I started working and going to school always with the mind set that once I get a nice, shiny, new car I'll be good. Once I get a nicer apartment I'll be fine. Better make that a house. And while we're at it I might as well throw in a killer wardrobe and seriously extensive makeup collection. Oh, better throw in getting my hair and nails done religiously just to be sure. The list went on forever of what I needed to be happy, what I thought life was about. Acquiring things. But they're just that. THINGS. 

Now here's what it's changed to since meeting my husband and contuing every day to grow closer to Christ. We had a house and moved into a nicer one. That we had to leave because someone didn't believe our financial status, so now we're back at my parents like teens. But our nights are still fun loving and passionate with each other. It may be like high school, but we get to experience the butterflies and nervousness like high schoolers. Which have never truly gone away for me since I met the love of my life. It's about spending as much time as we can watching our kids grow and become so full of life with laughter and smiles that make us forget every stress that's been thrown our way. It's comforting our children after disappointments and kissing their owies away. It's Disney movies on repeat with popcorn and cuddles instead of getting "turned up" every weekend. It's going without date night and new necessities so the kids can have the best of everything we never had. Life is about looking into your spouses eyes and having no doubt or regret about choosing to marry them. It's about being strong when you see that your spouse is struggling with baby blues from their new 'not so hot anymore' body (my husband is a pro at making me feel beautiful and sexy). Life is about anything BUT money or things that money can buy. 

So many people just strive for the face of a good life instead of truly taking advantage of the moments that they're letting slip through their fingers. Even as we speak. I may be broke, wearing old stained and torn clothes, making dinner at home instead of going out, going to the park instead of the zoo, but life is at its fullest right now. Our kids love us and we love them. We know what life is about because our kids have taught us that life is about spending time with the ones you love, not trying to get more stuff. Life isn't a competition yet so many people try so hard to one up whoever they believe their enemy is.

I AM HAPPY. I will always be happy as long as I never let go of what's truly important. My family and friends. Nothing else can compare to the moments they make me laugh or the moments they catch my tears. I am forever grateful and forever in love with what my amazing God has chosen to give to me. 

So open your eyes and see what's important. Put down the credit cards and cash at the mall or online and go make some memories. Forget about everyone and just BE HAPPY. If anyone tries to rain on your parade just tell them to go away and continue to live with happiness in your heart knowing that your kids, spouse, family, and friends will remember you how they should. THERE. Don't be absent from life. Take part and enjoy the ride. Remember, God loves you and will always love you. No matter how far you stray, no matter the evil you've been harboring in your heart, God will ALWAYS love you. And you know what? So will I. Even if you don't deserve it. 

-Mrs. C