If you're a good friend of mine you know that I've got into the hospital twice so far expecting to have my son but being sent home with nothing more than the nurses shrugging their shoulders and patting my back. Last Monday, 3-10-14, I swore that my water broke and I kept having regular contractions 3-4 minutes apart that were stronger than I've had this pregnancy. I was there for 4 hours and went from being 0 to 1.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced. After being monitored for 2 more hours and my contractions getting closer together and stronger I was sent home and told to come back when they get stronger. I was confused and upset because my biggest fear is not making it to the hospital in time.
Instead of doing anything or letting me walk I was sent home with ambien to help me "sleep through the pain" because that's just really smart to sleep through contractions and not know when to come back in. The next day my contractions were still coming every few minutes but had slightly lessened in strength. Last night, 3-15-14, I went back into the hospital having contractions so strong they were pulling me in half and putting so much pressure in my pelvic region I swore my son was going to fall out any minute. My contractions were getting to be 1-2 minutes apart and anywhere from 30-40 seconds in length. After getting all strapped up their monitoring system was saying that I was only getting them every 3-4 minutes, but they were off the charts strong. Got checked and was first told I was at a 2.5 dilation. Actually was able to walk for an hour and kept having contractions I couldn't talk through, and had to stop and breathe through.
After walking I wasnt strapped back to the monitor and was told the frequency between my contractions didnt matter and only my cervical dilation progress did. And somehow i magically went from a 2.5 back down to a 2. And I was once again sent home with agonizingly painful and close contractions. My OB kept telling me we just needed to make it to 37 weeks and then I could get up off of bed rest, walk and let this baby come. Now, all of the sudden, they wont help my labor until 39 weeks!! In my opinion, this scares the living crap out of me that I keep getting sent home. Obviously my son is trying to make his way out but I keep getting turned away.
My body is starting to get stressed because I've had 7 days of non stop contractions that are as strong as I remember them with my daughter's labor and frequent and close together. Since when do the health care professionals uphold getting abortions as far as 20 weeks or more, but having your baby that you WANT and have done everything to keep them and yourselves healthy for a healthy birth only 2 weeks early is preposterous! I am completely disgusted with where the American medical field is going. All I have to say is this...
If ANY thing happens to my son, including being born at home or in transport to the hospital, I will give the media a circus act worth reporting on. I will have every news station reporting the story about my son. It shouldn't be easy and quick to kill a baby in utero simply because a woman can't deal with the consequences of her actions but the equivalent to getting to the moon in order to have help getting your perfectly healthy and WANTED baby out of utero so they can survive.
I am the wrong woman if they think I'll just lay down and take it if something goes wrong with my son because of their inability to know when I'm in labor and it needs help progressing faster than days.
-Mrs. C
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