Monday, December 2, 2013

Glendale Glitters and Sick Kids

To start, this weekend was so much fun! In Glendale, AZ there's a annual Christmas tradition of small shops coming together to sell handmade products with food and games for the kiddos. I'm actually disappointed more every year because its getting more and more commercialized instead of staying in that small town feeling. Regardless of my growing up with this tradition its still something fun and magical for the kids.

Easily you could spend too much money at an event like this but my husband and I did our best to prepare our kids with what they were going to see and what we were going to be able to do with them. The two things we knew for sure we were doing were pictures with Santa, (how could we pass that up?!) And playing in the snow field. This was Julia's first time getting to experience and play in the snow, and she loved it! So much so that she cried when it was time to get out of the snow field.

Tho we didn't get to do a whole aweful lot, the kids got to do a couple games and get some tastey snacks. Overall the kids and us parents had a lot of fun enjoying a night out instead of being stuck at home.

Unfortunately, by the time we got home from spending a good 3 hours out in the cool air, the kids weren't feeling so good and all of us were beyond exhausted. Considering that everyone was feeling icky we decided not to go to church the next day. This was a very good call because come Sunday morning, our Julia was miserably sick. All day we dedicated to trying to get her to feel better. It started as cold symptoms and then came a fever with diarrhea and a very bad cough.

Joey and I did all we could before giving her medicine and finally had to get her a cough medicine. So our little princess was all lubed up with vicks on her chest, vicks on her feet with socks to hold the mess and smell, carmex on her lips to help keep them from chapping, a humidifier going full blast, tylenol for the fever and a cough suppressant (tylenol free) to help her symptoms subside.

After falling asleep at 8 and waking up 4-5 times from then until 1 am because of her cough, she finally fell asleep and hasn't coughed for almost an hour and a half which makes me one very happy momma.

Needless to say, tomorrow we'll be calling the doctor's office to see if we need to come in if she's still feeling this badly.

Being a parent has many helpless moments, and when your child is sick with something that the doctor's office most likely can't do anything about aside from what you've done, is definitely one of them. It always breaks my heart when my daughter is so sick and miserable but still trying to play and be a kid. She definitely didn't understand why mommy and daddy kept telling her to stay planted on the couch. But with many redirectionredirection and some love added all over the place with kisses and cuddles she ultimately did a very good job staying up on the couch resting and getting her liquids in.

Sometimes you're not going to be able to fix everything as much as you want to. That's something we need to remember as mom's and dad's. We can't fix everything no matter how badly we wish we could. Sometimes the best we can do is make our kids comfortable and knoe that they're loved, especially if they're sick. Whether its a cold or something more serious that they need drs for. A parents best asset is love and making sure their kids know without question just how much you love and care for them. Make sure they know before they grow too old. Until next time.

-Mrs. C

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Turkey Day and Non Shopping Black Friday

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays! I mean a day dedicated to eating?! Literally THE best day to be pregnant. At least in my opinion ;)
Traditionally, I make the devilled eggs every year for thanksgiving and for xmas. This year the eggs just wouldn't boil right or cool right and they were a huge pain to peel. But despite the egg mayhem thanksgiving this year was the best one I've had. The only thing that could have made this year better was having Jett and Leila there as well.
There were laughs and talks and jokes made all around. And Joey fit into my family like a glove. It truly made my heart smile to see just how well he got along with everyone. We might have gone home a bit early in the day due to someone either being tired, crabby, or not feeling too well from all the food. And no it wasn't all just me lol!
One thing that makes me upset about this time of year is how ridiculously out of hand "Black Friday" has gotten. It used to be stores just opening 2-3 hours before typical opening time and having really good sales. But now? Stores are starting ON thanksgiving day! People are being selfish and rude by literally trying to veat others to the punch. Now, if you go out in the madness please don't get me wrong. If people weren't as rude or as hypocritical as they've been getting year after year, I wouldn't mind snagging a few deals. But to be honest I didn't really see many deals that would have dragged me into the madness. Its just not my cup of tea.
So, instead, our black friday was spent doing christmas things other than shopping. We listened to christmas music, colored christmas trees and presents, danced while decorating our tree, put up christmas clings on the back door, drank hot chocolate and eggnog (not at the same time), and watched The Grinch with Jim Carrey. Also, add in us ladies going to grandma's and stopping at the store to pick up the previously mentioned hot chocolate and other things.
Over all this holiday has been one of the best starts to the Christmas season that I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. And its only Friday! Tomorrow and Sunday we have big plans :)
-Mrs. C